
Annual Reports And Related Documents

BackAug 03, 2023
Announcement Title Annual Reports and Related Documents
Date & Time of Broadcast Aug 3, 2023 22:09
Status New
Report Type Annual Report
Announcement Reference SG230803OTHRU6ZD
Submitted By (Co./ Ind. Name) Mark Francis Bedingham
Designation Executive Director, President and CEO
Description (Please provide a detailed description of the event in the box below - Refer to the Online help for the format) This announcement supersedes the Company's earlier announcement made on 14 July 2023 (Announcement Reference: SG230714OTHREDWM). Due to an inadvertent typographical error, the Company's financial year end as reflected on Pages 51 to 126 of the earlier Annual Report was incorrect. Save as aforesaid, the contents of the Annual Report remains unchanged. The revised Annual Report has been attached.
Additional Details
Period Ended 31/03/2023


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